Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Up, down, in, out, high, low

We have been very busy as of late. We have taken big steps forward in our plans and goals of becoming Foster Parents. We had a lady come to our house and talk to us for an hour, at the end she said that she saw no reason why we shouldn't be able to, gave us all the applications and information of training that we will need. The next training in St George wasn't until Nov. and we didn't want to wait that long, so we got signed up for the next one in September which will be up in Manti over the course of two weekends. I'm swinging it with work to be able to have the needed days off. So far so good.

*Girl has been awesome, working ever so diligently getting everything ready. She has researched everything so we know what to expect, what the process is going to be like, what to do to help move things along, and so forth. She has taken on some huge projects inside the house preparing each room making it child friendly and a place that any kid would enjoy to be in and could have safe happy feelings there. She has done a perfect job.

So that is all very exciting, we are devoting everything we have to this, and it's great.

On Thursday I'm going to take the Postal Battery Exam, if I do well I could get an entry level position in the Postal Service, which would be amazing. So best of luck there.

And that's about it, we've been keeping busy with all of that.


a Laura Ingalls wannabe said...

You do your wife too much justice.

Lil Wife said...

Wow Daniel that is great! I will be praying for you on Thursday! Let us know how it goes! Love ya!!!

"Insert Clever Nickname Here" said...

i have a blog now,
