Wednesday, July 23, 2008

La-de-da-de-da La-de-da-de-o-day

July has gone by fast. Seems like it was just the 4th a few days ago.

I got into another argument at work with a student. This time it was over Krispy Kream donuts vs. Dunkin' Donuts. The kid would not agree that K.K. is way better then D.D. What are our young people coming to? Is this really the future? Sometimes I... I just dont know.

The other day my old lady and I watched a film called "Soylent Green". Had Charleston Heston in it. Very good movie. Apparently it's some sort of classic that everyone, but me, knew about. So HA to all of you people out there making S.G. references around me thinking that I wouldn't understand, because I DO NOW! Yeah, lets try to see you crazy cult fans pull a fast one on me. I know what it's made of.

I finally convinced *Girl to let me have a pair of shorts to wear. She was for the idea, just gave me one rule. I can't wear them when we go out. Fair enough I thought. I just wanted them for work. So Sunday was my first day to wear them to work. And of course I get sent out to help with Homeless all day long. And of course too much sun on extra white legs tuns them red. Because you know... I'm boycotting the sunblock companies? Yes, they have gotten to be too powerful... I mean, can they honestly grantee 75 SPF??? Thats just too much.

That will do it then. I have to research more ways to win at Battle Ship. Games with strategy I can do... but the ones based off of luck and "skill" I fail hard core.


a Laura Ingalls wannabe said...

Dude, I did not give you the "rule" that you couldn't wear them when we went out. I just made the comment that I think it's tacky when men wear shorts in nice places, like restaurants. Which, I believe you agreed with.

You... you are so getting your blogging privileges revoked by the blogging police if you keep painting your wife the bad guy. Dork.

And wear sunblock!

Alaina said...

No fair, your legs at least sun burn. Mine don't even do that after hours in the sun. They just stay pasty white, a very attractive color if I say so myself. So, if you ask me you're lucky :P