Saturday, February 16, 2008

It's all been done before

We'll see what I have to say again.

Uma vez.

My work can be intertaining. Really not that stressfull. Who would have thought troubled teens could give so much. And need so little.

My work has these time clocks to clock in and out, and they keep track of your hours online. I tend to go there just to add up my money. Not a good thing. *Girl and I found out just how much we are making, and felt good about it, then we found a house in the neighborhood we wanted to live, and felt good about the house, now we are going to be moving to the house by the end of this month. Less to two weeks man. It's so cool. Very exciting. Our first house. We will be renting, but the guy said we can nagociate to buy it later on, which is what we want to do.

What a start huh?

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